Block ADs with PiHole (even outside your local network)

Online ads are getting more and more annoying by the day, not to mention most of the time they are inappropriate for adults let alone kids. So my daughter (10yo) set up a Pi Hole AD blocker with two Raspberry Pis (on different locations) and VPN so you can safely browse the internet even when […]

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Enable HTTP2 on NGINX

Nginx has become a household name when it comes to web servers and its (about time) “recent” integration to cPanel officially by cPanel developers it has become one of the most used HTTP servers used today (it’s mostly used as a reversed cache proxy in cPanel / WHM case). But yet again cPanel devs decided […]

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Modifying your live server partition

Since COVID-19 finally tuned down in my part of Europe concerts finally started to be a thing again! How is this connected to resizing your partition? Well, my customer has had a busy few months and filled up their WHM/cPanel hosted server to the point where backups could no longer be made. After contacting […]

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Fix issues with Let’s Encrypt while using HestiaCP

Recently I installed HestiaCP on’s webserver. Why do you ask? Well, Touhou is a nonprofit organization that just got free hosting from Akademska in raziskovalna mreža Slovenije (ARNES) that comes with no licenses. Since the members are mostly not tech-savvy using my regular approach without any web interface was going to be a nightmare […]

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Clone a CentOS server using rsync

Recently due to the fact that some of my bigger clients needed their VPS’s updated I decided to start fully cloning their servers so that in case of any issues I could simply change their DNS records to the new backup server and put them back online as fast as possible if something should go […]

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Check hard drive speed on your VPS

Nowadays there are many many VPS providers out there. And many of them claim that they use pure SSD disk fields with their VPS’s but when you get into it you see that they are later claiming of using “SSD drives to speed up your VPS”. This can be easily tested with a single line […]

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How to check if a cron job has run

Cron is a Linux utility that schedules a command or script on your server to run automatically at a specified time and date. As the name implies a cron “job” is a scheduled job. Cron jobs can be very useful to automate almost any task in Linux. While adding a cronjob is quite easy (just […]

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How to install the latest Python on Ubuntu 18.04

Please note that Python 3 is already preinstalled with Ubuntu 18.04. Nevertheless here and instructions on how to install, update and uninstall it. How to install the latest python Before installing the latest version of python check the version of python currently installed on your machine. To do so you can run: python3 -V or […]

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DNSBL (RBL) bash script checker

So you want to regularly check your IP(s) if they got listed on one of the many (800+ to be exact)  public blacklists (also known as DNSBL or RBL)? Bellow, you can find a bash script that will make your life much easier. You can also make a cronjob that sends you an email with […]

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